Wednesday, May 28, 2008

On the Bus Today...

...I think I may have gotten a boyfriend. I'm not quite sure.

The bus was packed. I tried to leave work early and catch the 5:03 bus, but I didn't decide this until 4:53 and then proceeded to argue back and forth with myself about whether or not I would have enough time to get to the stop. I went anyway and when I got to the stop I looked at my phone - 5:03 exactly. Apparently this was the one time the bus decided to come early because I waited at the stop until the next bus came at 5:25.

Not the point of my story.

I think 5:25 must be a more popular time to catch the bus because it was packed. I had to sit at the front of the bus in the seats that face each other. (Side note: Those seats are super awkward. You can't help but stare at the people across from you even if you don't mean to.) Those seats are extra crappy because instead of being shoulder to shoulder with one person, you are are sandwiched between two people. 

The slices of bread in the Stephanie Sandwich today were crossword puzzle man (he pulled a seriously wadded up newspaper out of his pocket and went to town) and my boyfriend. Except I didn't know he was my boyfriend until the last few stops. 

As the bus started to clear out only my boyfriend and I were left in the front section. Now, I don't know how often you ride the bus, but it's not uncommon for people to move seats when something more comfortable become available. Not my boyfriend. He kept his leg rubbed up against me until I got off the bus. 

Needless to say it was awkward. 

Oh, and I saw a kid that looked exactly like Napoleon Dynamite and heard him ask permission to go to a friends house and study. For some reason I thought that was funny.


Jill Clark said...

Did you want him to be your boyfriend since you didn't get up and move either?

stephanielynn said...

I was there first. He should have moved! :)