Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Archuleta for the Win!

Please tell me you watched AI tonight! I have loved David Archuleta from the very beginning and he did so well tonight.  Oh sure, he's quite possibly the most awkward person ever to be on television, but that's part of why I like him. Every week I just want to give him a hug and tell him to remember to breathe.

If I'm being honest, David Cook is great too. He may actually be better suited to be the "American Idol". BUT if we're talking about who the better singer is, it's David Archuleta. Plus, he's just so adorable.

PS - So You Think You Can Dance starts this week.  It's even better than AI. I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

Dad and I have voted for the two Davids all through the season. We really thought Cook would blow David away but we agreed with Simon that it was a complete "knockout" last night with Daivid A. the Champ!! He got our vote!