Thursday, May 15, 2008

Are You Calling Me Fat?

Me: "So there's a Gold's Gym around here? I haven't seen one."

Work Guy: "The closest gym to you is the [insert gym name I can't remember here] in Magnolia.  It's actually the smallest one of theirs in the city, but not too small.  I mean, it would have everything you'd need. Especially if you're not into working out all that much."

Me: "What? Are you saying I don't look like a person that works out all that much?"

WG: "No...umm...I mean, I just meant that if you're not like a body builder or something."

I thought I was pretty funny. I'm not so sure if he did.

1 comment:

Jill Clark said...

That is so funny! He probably didn't know what to say back to you. He probably didn't even catch on that you might be kidding. I love that!