Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On the Bus Today...

I'm going to start a new recurring post titled On the Bus Today... to chronicle all of the adventures I'm bound to have while in the land of public transit.  I know it's only day two, but I have a story already.

On the bus today...

...a man got on in the "Free Ride" area (riding the bus is free in certain areas of the city - essentially all of downtown - so that's where you get a lot of the crazies) and approached the bus driver.  I couldn't hear exactly what was said, but I could tell he was asking where he needed to get off to end up at a certain location.  The driver gave him a street name, told him to sit down and that he would take him there. 

As the man staggered back to his seat he called out, "Is that by the court house?".  The driver shrugged as if to say, I don't frequent the court house so I'm not sure, and smiled. Realizing that he just admitted he was heading the court house the man said, "I mean, not like the main court house for felons and stuff, just like the smaller court house for little stuff."

I laughed to myself and wondered if he actually thought that made a difference. Oh, phew! As long as you're not a felon...


Anonymous said...

for real! hahaha! i already know you'll have some interesting stories form the bus. i HATED riding the bus! just hated it. i would be so mad every morning on my way to work. stinky people. homeless following you home. it was seriously crazy and am so glad i don't ride it. if it were just college kids and clean adults riding, then i would have no problem at all. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the bus!!! So many different people to watch and meet.