Thursday, May 15, 2008

On the Bus Today...

...I saw a woman breastfeeding her child without any sort of covering. Awkward for all of us. Now I'm not a mother, but I feel like if your kid is walking, and very nearly talking, they might be too old for that.

But what do I know?


Matthew said...

I'm okay with breast feeding to all ages - young and old.

stephanielynn said...

Oh, Cambo...When I opened my email and saw that you had left a comment, I pretty much knew what it was going to say:)

Unknown said...

IMHO There is nothing better for a child than mama's milk :) It's something even our modern day scientists cant duplicate. Did you know that some preemies can not survive on formula and they have to have breastmilk? They have big banks for it like they do blood banks. Ok, so a 2 year old doesn't need it to survive, but.... The AAP recommends BF until 12 months and the World Health Org for two years. I'll be BF Ashleigh until she weans herself which will probably be sometime after 1 year. I enjoy it, it's cheaper than formula and I love the bond we have because of it. OK, I'm getting off my soapbox, just a subject I feel very strongly about :) I do cover up though and if I were on the bus you bet I'd be covered up. I'd be wearing my hooter hider (yup they sell such a thing!). Did you know that Michael Jordan was BF for like 3 years???? Now that's a little weird :)