Monday, June 09, 2008

A time I thought I was going to die? Does right now count?

Still attempting to get more involved, I went to FHE tonight. It was awful. Literally the worst FHE I've ever been to in my life.

We got there on time hoping to leave 30 minutes later to go to the gym. Things did not go as planned.

1. We waited 15 minutes for more people to show up even though the room was packed.
2. While waiting for more people to show up we listened to our male group leader tell stories about him and his roommate from college (who was visiting). The stories were mind-numbingly dull.
3. Finally we got started and went around the room to introduce ourselves. We couldn't just say our names; that would have been too normal. We had to say our names, birthday and describe a time we thought we were going to die. Uplifting, no?
4. After another 15 minutes of listening to depressing stories of us almost dying (I almost killed all of my siblings after hitting black ice in Nebraska, one girl got mugged, one guy almost drowned in a river, etc.) our group leader fired up his Wii to show us pictures of his recent trip to Jerusalem. Yes, that really happened.
5. He continued to give us a history lesson of things that weren't exactly true ("We don't really know, but we think that this is the place where...") while showing us picture after picture of the same building.
6. When we were blessed with the Wii losing it's connection to the internet we seized the opportunity to leave. Want to know what the activity was going to be after the slideshow/fake history lesson?
7. Pie throwing. Filling a tin with shaving cream to make a "pie" and throwing it at someone's face while taking pictures. I'm sad I missed it.

This was not a good time to go to FHE for the first time in at least a year.


Annie said...

This is crazy! How weird!!

Matthew said...

FHE in single wards SUCK! Two weeks ago my ward handed out a flyer for FHE that said there was going to be twister, jump rope, the human knot and much much more. Why on earth would jump rope be a cool thing to do with 21-28 year old singles??? Seriously, I thought it was a flyer for the Deacons/Beehives combined activity of a local family ward. Ugh!

Oh and this week they did water relay races with the 16th ward sisters.

Whatever happened to just having a BBQ and chattin it up?

Anonymous said...

what!!!?? how stupid! if i were there and it was my turn, i would say i was going to die doing this stupid game. people need to be slapped. that is so stupid! i can't get over it!

Jill Clark said...

That sounds awful, but I commend you on your efforts in going, that is more than I can say for myself!

Lindsay Jane said...

You recap is sadly perfect and not even exaggerated. I agree with Matthew and that should be the activity filter applied to all YSA activities. If the event could be mistaken for a beehive/deacon event, it should not be done.