I think it's possible that Orbit Sweet Mint gum is laced with catnip. Or maybe it has something to do with catnip being a "perennial herb belonging to the mint family Labiatae" (At least according to About.com). All I know is that Max is addicted to it.
I bought another pack of gum today to replace the one destroyed in the first incident. As Lindsay and I were leaving for a concert tonight (more to come on that) I put the pack of gum in my purse, left the purse in it's usual resting place next to my bed and jokingly said to Max, "Don't chew any gum while I'm gone!".
lol!!!! he needs a 30 day treatment. i hear utah has a great rehab place. both lindsay lohan and kirsten dunst have come to stay there. :) i'm sure seattle has a great place for him. could have saved money if you got him checked out while living in utah.
What the...does he have hidden opposable thumbs somewhere? I think I found Max's sister: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W4MuV3of-A&feature=related
Holy crap! Not only is that cat eating gum, but it's Orbit gum. And not only is it Orbit gum, but it's Sweet Mint!
I'm telling you....laced with catnip.
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