Saturday, June 07, 2008

Practically Giving Them Away

I have a bad habit of not thinking about the value of things. To me if something costs $5 then it's "practically free" and I don't feel guilty buying it. The problem is that buying several things at $5 can quickly add up. But I don't need to tell you that - you're not the crazy one that pretends things are free when they're not.

Lately the practically free threshold has increased and is now sitting around $10-$15. But in the case of tonight's purchase it was around $50. I bought an iPod Shuffle.
Isn't it super cute? I already have an iPod (that's not full) so there was really no need to get another one, but I used Lindsay's shuffle at the gym the other night and it was so great. I just clipped it on my shirt and started running. 

PLUS, they're only $50. Practically free, right?

Either way, I'm feeling great about my latest purchase.


Anonymous said...

i think it's totally cute. i love the color a lot.

NatAttack said...

Hahaha. I bought a shuffle for the half-marathon I was going to run in May 2007. Then I got the plague and didn't run. I've never used my Shuffle.