Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You'll Laugh About it Later

Tonight I was looking through the pictures from when Jill was in Seattle a couple weeks ago and came across this one..
I didn't appreciate it at the time, but now it cracks me up.  There are a few reasons I'm asleep in the back of the car while Jill and Lindsay appear to be enjoying themselves.

1. I had just arrived in Seattle (after a 14 hour drive that I drove roughly 11 hours of) and was exhausted from the three/four weeks prior of interviewing, quitting, finishing up work, etc.
2. I have a strange inability to stay awake as a passenger in a vehicle.  It's nearly impossible for me.
3. I sat in the backseat the whole weekend and could rarely hear the conversations in the front so I was pretty bored.
4. It was a 90 minute drive on a Sunday afternoon...c'mon!
5. I get slightly car sick so sleeping is a way to prevent puking.

Anyway, regardless of the reason, I was asleep and they got this picture and it made me laugh tonight.  


Julie said...

I'm the first one to comment? Awesome! I love the picture! I laughed out loud too when I saw it. So Grey's tomorrow! How cool you live in that city now!

stephanielynn said...

I know! I realized last night that Grey's is now my life..or something like that:)

Jill Clark said...

You should have posted the other picture, that one makes me laugh so hard! All I think about when I look at it is you saying you look dead, and you really do! I laugh just thinking about the picture!

Anonymous said...

i was laughing out loud too! that is hilarious! i am still cracking up with it in my mind. :)

GREY'S tonight!!! about time!!