Monday, April 21, 2008


I successfully completed the first day of my new job! I even think I'll go back tomorrow.  

Let's just say it went a little better than the first day of my previous job.  The words, "Oh, I thought you were starting tomorrow" were never uttered.  My laptop was set up, I had "gifts" on my desk, a welcome note from HR, a gift card to Starbucks, notebooks and pens ready for me, 100+ emails in my inbox and a complete agenda (typed by my supervisor) of what I would be doing at every hour of the day for the ENTIRE week.  Clearly she knew when I was starting. 

I sit on the 15th floor and the view from up there is amazing.  Not the view from my desk per se (unless you count the fairly attractive new guy sitting across from me) but the view from that general area of the building.  I was in a meeting this morning on 17 and I couldn't stop staring out the windows.  It was all blue sky and water.  I loved it!

Oh, and when we started in on the "transition plan" (Yes, they actually had a typed up transition impressive.) everything she was saying made sense.  Knowing what you're doing is always a bonus.

Aside from a little elevator mix-up, where I tried to get to the 18th floor on an elevator that only goes to the 11th, I would call the day a success.


Scott said...

Sounds like you had a great first day. Good luck in the new digs.

Annie said...

that is awesome steph! i am glad you had a good day.

Anonymous said...

that is great! wow! how cool are they to give you those things and prepare your week!! i guess places outside of utah do know how to treat employees with respect and a warm welcome. who knew? :)

cds said...

i think i am mostly excited/jealous about your view!!!

oh, and i miss your face.

Julie said...

Congrats on a great first day Steph!