Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cat Lady Vibe

Today was my official last day at the DM. I'm packing up that massive laptop and FedEx-ing it to SLC tomorrow. It feels good.

I celebrated the beginning of my week of unemployment with trips to Costco, IKEA and Baja Fresh.  Exciting, right?

So here's a story: While in Costco Lindsay and I picked up two bundles of lint rollers; each pack containing five rollers in it (Would you expect any less from Costco?). 

You see, Max has a serious shedding problem.  Serious problem. Basically he's been under a lot stress with the move and becoming an indoor cat and is depressed and his hair is falling out. In large quantities. Hence the lint roller stockpile.

Back to the story - As we were walking down the aisle, me holding one lint roller pack and Lindsay holding the other, a random man walking toward us said, "They're good to get the dust off".  I glanced around, realized he was talking to us about the large quantity of lint rollers we were sporting and said, "Oh...yeah" (I have a very quick wit) and kept walking.  He then called after us, "And they're good for cat hair too! I don't know if you know that or not."  I turned around, smiled and again kept walking.  

It totally got weird Costco man, but what I'm wondering is how did he know I have a cat?  I could have been been buying my years supply of lint rollers for my dog.  Do I not look like a dog person?  Is there some sort of cat lady vibe I give off?

I'm curious.

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