Sunday, April 20, 2008

Let Me Out!

Since becoming an indoor cat, Max will just sit and stare out the window for hours. When I get ready in the morning he likes to peek out my bathroom window.
The sill in the hallway is another favorite.
Oh, and then under the covers of my bed is another favorite spot. Now if he could just stop shedding like a maniac...


stephanielynn said...

I just noticed that the clock in the first picture says 1:35. That may or may not have been "morning" to me during my week of unemployment...

Anonymous said...

awww...max. so his liter box is inside? any tricks on how to have it smell good in the house? (for future references)

stephanielynn said...

Yeah, he can't go in and out. We have no way of getting him in and out of the house easily and the street is too busy. His litter is on the very bottom level and I think it helps to have a box with a lid. Helps keep the stink in. And cleaning it regularly.

ARLORJOE said...

Great GReat GREAT photo of that cat! What personality comes through. Super job.

Unca Joe (I didn't notice any honey, though.)