Friday, February 08, 2008

Upgrade to 2006

Due to the unfortunate events of January 20th (and the days that followed), I was banished back to 2004 cell phone technology.  In these days of fancy phones that can take pictures, send email, play music and cook you dinner, I just couldn't handle being that far behind the times. I guess I'm just vain. 

Since Verizon wasn't going to help me out, I took matters into my own hands and bought a used phone off of a co-worker's sister.  How it all came about is another story, but today the transaction was completed. My check arrived in her mailbox and her phone arrived on my desk at work. 


The screen is pretty scratched up but I only have to deal with it for six months and then I can get a new phone.  She happened to have one of my new favorite songs, Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek, downloaded as a ringtone so that was an unexpected bonus.  

I waited all afternoon and evening for someone to call me so I could test it out.  No one did - shocker - until 9:45 when Scott called.  I'm happy to report that it works.

I may still be behind the times, but at least I'm sittin' pretty in 2006.


Anonymous said...

it's a cute phone. i like it.

Julie said...

Have you accidently muted the phone while talking to someone yet? That's always fun, along with trying to figure out how to unmute without hanging up on them. Ha. I'm sure you're much more phone-savey then I was. ;) (I'm still laughing about Rob and Big...)

stephanielynn said...

No, but I may have hung up in the middle of leaving a voicemail...I'm not quite sure.

mee said...

Steph, Annie told me of the unfortunate events leading up to the loss of your phone. I'm so sorry! I don't know how you're dealing. You may have lost one of the best things in this life. The LG is such a great phone.