Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This weekend I spent a little time in the Land of the Cougars.  A lot of things in my life feel up in the air right now and being back there brought back a lot of memories from the last 7 1/2 years.

Before graduating I did an internship at the mall and have been thinking a lot lately about an amazing woman I worked with there. Her name is Peggy (I sometimes liked to call her Lil' Peggs). She is an older woman who has worked at customer service part-time since her husband passed away. She is the most genuinely good person I've ever met - always smiling and always positive. She truly did love me and being far away from home at a confusing time in my life, her caring for me was a blessing. She invited me over for dinner, sometimes drove me home from work so I wouldn't have to take the bus, and taught me how to make the most delicious fudge you'll ever taste.

So when Annie and I decided to have lunch at the mall on Saturday, I was hoping I would find Lil' Peggs there. I did and I hadn't realized how much I've missed her. She gave me a big hug and told me how much she thinks about me and hopes that I'm happy. Those are never a bad things to hear.

I was only out in the mall for 15 minutes and ran into another old friend. He was in line in the food court and I almost walked right past him before he was able to get my attention. We worked for BYU's Sport & Dance camps one summer (which was more fun than I gave it credit for) and I hadn't seen him in a couple years.

There is a point to this sappy post, which is this: I know I always knock on Utah, but the truth is I really have had a lot of fun, made great friends and learned a lot about who I am while I've been here.  Utah's not so bad.

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