Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Went in For a Toothbrush

Apparently Target has the same effect on me as IKEA does.  It's impossible for me to go there without spending ridiculous amounts of money on things I don't need.

Let's take today for example.  I had to be out of the house for an hour while someone came to walk through.  I thought about sitting in my car on the street in front of the house so I could be in range of the wireless signal and just surf the internet, but decided that might be a tad creepy for the prospective buyer.  So instead I made my way to Target.  I had run most of my errands last night but remembered this morning that I wanted a new toothbrush.  Simple, right? Pickup a new toothbrush and then wander around to kill some time.

Well, 66 dollars and 24 cents later I was on my way back home.  

I was out of control.  While perusing the CDs I just kept picking them up and adding them to the stack (I actually decided at the register not to buy a couple).  Karate Kid for $4.75?! Who wouldn't buy it?  Season three of Arrested Development?  Of course!  I need it to complete my set.  Another Jodi Picoult book?  Sure!

Granted, $66 is not $500 like my IKEA catastrophe.  But $66 for a toothbrush? Something is wrong with me.


Anonymous said...

i do the exact same thing. are you sure we don't share the same DNA? :) how gross would that be. lol

Jill Clark said...

I think I have the same disease too, its awful!

Lindsay Jane said...

I think if you were able to make it out withouth buying a new was a success.

Annie said...

That is the power of target