Thursday, February 07, 2008

Midday Pick Me Up

Today at work we had a Health & Wellness Fair. A local hospital sent some people over to screen our blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, body fat percentage and body mass index.

Results: I'm fat, have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

I didn't need a Health & Wellness Fair to figure that out.

Actually, I've never been told my blood pressure was high, so that was news to me, but the rest of it I was well aware of. The lady even said about my body fat percentage, "You're right on the verge of the recommended range. Just lose 15-20 pounds and you'll be there."

Seriously lady? JUST 15-20 pounds? I've been trying to do that for 10 years.

I guess I'm basically one foot in the grave.

1 comment:

Danny K. said...

They should have people come into the office next week to give out compliments to balance it out. Like make an appointment to have someone say, "Hey nice hair!"