Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Cherry On Top

I'm not gonna lie, this week has sucked.  I could have done without Monday-Friday.  My work life derailed somewhere along the way and some non-workish stuff has me stressed. It's all just been a little chaotic.

But then came Friday night.  I had dinner with friends, a concert of sorts in a shack (literally), lots of laughter and delicious dessert to top it all off.  Not to mention today where I got to (successfully!) stalk celebrities at Sundance (a photo-post is forthcoming).  Things were looking up.

And then I did my laundry.  I was unaware that this act could send my good mood spiraling downward to it's demise.

The first load went brilliantly - almost like I had done it before.  I finished watching Friday Night Lights, which always brings me joy, and remembered I needed to throw the second load in the dryer before settling into what I could only hope would be a very deep sleep.  

And then I saw it.  As I was pulling the last piece of clothing out of the washing machine I saw my cell phone sitting at the bottom of the washer.  There was an audible gasp.  Quite possibly followed by me muttering something along the lines of, "No, no, no, no, no....".

I. Washed. My. Cell. Phone.  This cannot be good.

It's currently in the "open" position with the battery off to dry over night. Please bless that it works when I try to turn it on tomorrow.  It could happen, right?

Update: I put the battery on this morning and it won't turn on.  I plugged it in and the screen lights up saying the battery is fully charged, but that's all I get. Boo.


cds said...

OH NO! that is the worst news ever! it will has to work!

cds said...
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Anonymous said...

you are the second person i know who this has happened to. i think you will have to go get a new one. :(

i am going to sundance!!!!! :)

Lindsay Jane said...

Steph...that sucks! Man...could things get any worse for you. I think it means something really good is about to happen right....I mean, it always gets worse before it gets better. At least, this is what I keep telling myself.

Kitty said...

Steph, I'm feeling really bad for you. I heard that putting it in a bowl of rice is supposed to help. However,going through a complete wash cycle can't be good. Sooo Sorry.

Kitty said...

Steph, I'm feeling really bad for you. I heard that putting it in a bowl of rice is supposed to help. However,going through a complete wash cycle can't be good. Sooo Sorry.

Danny K. said...
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Danny K. said...

On the bright side I bet your phone smells nice. So quit worrying about it and start posting celebrity pics NOW.

NatAttack said...

Blerg. I can't believe that happened! Really. How nuts. The good news is it won't take six weeks to fix. (How long do you think I can stretch my "Your life doesn't suck NEARLY as much as mine"? Ew, I hate being that person.)

stephanielynn said...

Oh, Nat...I think you can stretch it for quite some time!

Anonymous said...


Last ditch effort: remove battery. Get tiny screwdriver and pop loose case (or find willing friend to do this for you). Fire up hair dryer and gently dry the insides. Not too hot and not too windy. Even if you cannot pop loose the case, try the dryer. Maybe get to a Radio Shack and look helpless but cute and the geek behind the counter might remove the case for you. But watch out, he might want to have dinner with you and you would not want to carry the entire conversation at dinner with him smiling and nodding all night because he really can't say what he wants to because you don't read the comic books he wants to talk about, or something like that. Hey, do you guys ever see LOST? Or is it lame? Arleigh and I just watched 2 dvds of the 1st season (of which there are 10 dvds!). Like, before I make a commitment I want to know if it is worth it. Now that is a statement that can apply even to relationships!! Well good luck on the phone. I did what I suggested to a camera and it revived but it was only dragged through a river by a tipped over kayak and not put through the wash. However, I too was dragged underwater by that tipped over kayak (Patrick witnessed this charming act of stupidity), and I was all right after I used the hair dryer too even without being washed.

I loved going to Memphis with your dad (oh, and Arleigh and Kitty had fun too.)