Monday, January 14, 2008

...and that was the last time we saw Leo.

When I first started my job in 2005 the copywriter on my team was one of the most unique people I've ever met.  

His name is Leo.  

Leo didn't have a car so every morning he rode the bus to the airport and then transferred to a bus that dropped him off at our office.  He wore a hat every day, usually a fedora but sometimes a beanie, even in the summer.  Leo could often been seen on the way to or from lunch walking on the side of the rode alone.  Monday mornings were always a treat because we got to hear what crazy thing Leo did over the weekend - hopping a plane to vegas, taking the bus to Wendover, being upset when a pizza couldn't get delivered at 3 am (and when we asked why he needed pizza at 3 am he just giggled).

I could often be heard saying, "I love Leo so much."  It was that statement that led Mark and Tiffany to believe that I wanted Leo to be my boyfriend, which clearly wasn't the case, but he was just so strange that I had to love him.

Once he came to my desk and said, "Stephanie, we just heard from Client XYZ and they are pissed."  Apparently there was a flash of panic across my face (I was new and they were the first client I was setting up all on my own) and he thought it was the funniest thing ever.  He then proceeded to come to my desk every morning and say the exact same thing.  And he proceeded to laugh every time like it was the first time he had made the joke.  

The other copywriter quit which left Leo as the lone copywriter in the interactive department.  Things got really busy and he got really stressed.  One day he took his hat and dictionary (and I think a pair of shoes) and said as he was walking out of the department, "If you don't see me tomorrow, you won't see me again."

And that was the last time we saw Leo.  Until today.

This morning David sent me this link.  I'm sure it goes without saying, but Leo is the one on the right.

Now you have all had the pleasure of seeing Leo in action.  You're welcome.


NatAttack said...

Ha! Leo.

I worked with Leo exactly three days before he ran off to San Diego. Remember how they had to go over to his apartment to make sure he wasn't dead?

All kinds of crazy at the D-Mark.

stephanielynn said...

Mark calls that incident "the intervention". Turns out he wasn't dead, just living in a YMCA in San Diego.

Lindsay Jane said...

This is too funny. Glad to know crazy Leo is still crazy. I think it was a project for our team that pushed him over the edge...oops.

Annie said...

he is crazy! he would be etertainment at work

Anonymous said...

I love Leo too. If I remember correctly, it was the comment that he needed to "spice up" his copy for the culinary school that was the last straw. But looking back on my time working in a warehouse out by the airport, I don't know if that comment pushed him over the edge or made him come to his senses (no offense to those of you lucky enough to still be there).

stephanielynn said...

You're right! Spicing up the copy was out of the question.

And I do count myself lucky to still be at the warehouse. You're missing out.