Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Nice to Meet You, I'm Naked Under Here.

Guys, I'm so fancy. Today I ate lunch at the Four Seasons and went to the spa after work.

But really. I'm the last person who should be eating lunch at the Four Seasons. Allow me to share with you a few reasons why:
1. I cuffed my jeans on the walk over so they wouldn't get soaked. I left them that way all during lunch.
2. I refused to check my coat.
3. I ordered a Diet Coke. Nothing says fancy like two DC refills.
4. I never wanted to stop eating bread. I did. But I didn't want to.
5. I ordered spaghetti bolognese. SPAGHETTI.
6. I had zero desire to twirl it on my spoon. Again, I did. But I didn't want to.

That was all just a tangent. Fun, right?

What I really want to talk about is the massage I got after work. I've mentioned it before, but one of the perks of my job is getting free stuff: meals, Snuggies, mani/pedis, BYU hats, massages, etc. But let's think for a minute about what getting a massage entails.
Getting naked.
Sitting in robes.
Getting naked and sitting in a robe with co-workers.

In this particular situation this evening, my co-worker bailed so it was just me and the sales rep. Not awesome, but not horrible. However, I had never actually met this woman in the non-virtual world so not only were we getting naked and sitting in robes together, but we were also shaking hands and saying "Nice to meet you" while we were doing it.

Perfectly awkward.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's awesome, Steph. I love it.