Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maui: Seven

Alternate Title: The Day Maui Babe Failed Us

Last night we all (minus Brooke and her SPF 50 skin) decided that, since it was our last day in Maui, we were going to go big with our tanning system today. This meant foregoing the sunscreen and rocking the Maui Babe Browning Lotion.

In keeping with our daily routine, we all put on our swimsuits and gathered in the dining room and lotioned and oiled, oiled and lotioned. I couldn't bring myself to go completely sans sunscreen, so I put on on SPF 4 and THEN Maui Babe.

SPF 4. Like that's going to do anything, but it made me feel better.

We were only at the beach for a couple hours but let's skip ahead to late afternoon after we made it back to the condo to shower. We were all feeling the burn. My legs felt like they were on fire and most of Lindsay's body resembles a lobster. The Professor and Patrick are also crispy, but having spent less time than us at the beach today, they are in better shape.

Turns out Maui Babe may have been the wrong choice.

Tomorrow morning we'll get on a plane and had back to this.

But I've used the last week of looking at views like this to build up my reserves, so I'm actually kind of looking forward to it.

Thanks, Maui.

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