The first part of the show as an acoustic set. She opened the show with her super depressing (but super awesome) Christmas song - The Heartache Can Wait. I've never seen her perform it live so I was thrilled.
It was a more formal setting and with everyone sitting down the whole time it made it hard to really get into it. I was tapping my foot and patting my leg, but I really wanted to be on my feet, clapping and singing along. I think it was a little bit of an adjustment for Brandi as well to have the crowd be so quiet.
During one of the lulls someone yelled out "I love you, Brandi!" to which she replied, "I love you too. Actually, I probably really do. You're probably my aunt or uncle or something." She kept joking about how 75% of the audience was related to her. Judging by the number of people talking to her brother and mom, I think it was kind of true.
In case you know Brandi's songs and/or care, the symphony joined her on Sixty Years On, Follow, Fall Apart Again, Pride & Joy, Turpentine, The Story, and Hallelujah.
Here's a video of my all-time favorite song, Turpentine. If you don't want to watch the whole thing (I don't know why you wouldn't want to!) at least check out 4:54 when the orchestra comes in. So fantastic! I didn't hear it that way in the moment but it gives me chills listening to it now.
I love this photo of Brandi rockin' the boots and stomping like she does.
I think the song that took the cake for the night was the one encore, Hallelujah. It was just Brandi, her guitar and the symphony. The crowd was silent and the performance was brilliant.
Countdown to Cayamo: 90 days!