Monday, November 03, 2008

Mass Whistle

If you hate my concert recaps then be prepared to skip a lot of posts in November. This weekend I kicked off concert month right with Joshua Radin and Missy Higgins. I listen to these two at least once a day, sometimes all of their albums over and over in a day, so it was great to see them both in one night.

Joshua Radin sat on that chair through his entire set. Just him, his guitar and his party cup. And even though every song is about one of two failed relationships, he seemed less emotionally disturbed than the last time I saw him in SLC. But he still has some lingering issues and I've come to terms with the fact that I will never hear him sing Paperweight live.
He's labeled his music "whisper rock" which is totally true and also made me think of Felicity and how she and Ben ALWAYS whispered "Hey" whenever they saw each other.

I don't know what it is, but I've been completely addicted to Missy Higgins for the last while. There are so many songs of hers that I absolutely love and love them even more after hearing them live. My favorite quote of hers was, "It doesn't get much better than a mass whistle". [Said with an Australian accent.] Although I have to disagree, I enjoy a mass clap-along more.
They only sang one song together. And it was good.
As always, I felt like a giant ball of awkward when we met him after the show. One of these days I'm going to figure out how to be witty.
A homeless man seriously invaded my personal space on the way out and then we called it a night.


Lindsay Jane said...

It was an AWESOME show....minus the d-bags that barged their way in.

B.P. said...

the d-bags! :) love it. what did homeless man do? :(

B.P. said...

ooppps!!! it's amanda! brian wanted me to get his password and i forgot to log him out. :)

stephanielynn said...

the homeless man just shoved his cup in my face and followed me for a few steps. more aggressive than most.