Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, I guess.

What is it about holidays that bring on illness? It's like my body knows that I'm going to have some time off work and thinks, You know, now would be the perfect time to get sick. We have some time off so it all works out. Well I've got news for you body - it doesn't all work out. It sucks.

It started coming on this afternoon, just a few hours before leaving for Spokane. I felt the aches starting and my head getting fuzzy. I hit up the Emergen-C, a little nap in the car, some diet coke, Advil and crawling into bed at 10pm. It comes and goes in waves and I'm hoping I can will it away.

It's now midnight and I'm still awake. I just can't sleep. It's too quiet. Where's a girl's fan when she needs it? Plus, Linds is watching FNL online and we all know I can't resist a little Riggins.

So, Happy Thanksgiving, I guess. Don't mind me - I'm just the one that's been in sweat pants for days and can't manage to get out of bed for more than 30 minutes at a time.


Kitty said...

Your body is probably trying to tell you it needs some rest. You just need some TLC. Take care and enjoy your holiday weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

oh sorry to hear! maybe next holiday, take a few days off before the day? to trick your body. :)

have a Happy Thanksgiving. wish you were here.