Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today is Thanksgiving. And while I'm thankful for a lot of things, I won't go into detail about those here. What I will go into detail about is how I tried to run outside today. "Tried" being the operative word.

For a few weeks I've been planning on running the Turkey Trot 5k with some of the Lyman family. Last night as we saw the dropping temperature and thought about getting up early we decided against it. I'll be honest, I wasn't that disappointed.

But I've eaten more than my fair share of cookies and chocolate in the last few days and as I was lounging in my PJ's this morning I decided to go for a run. Outside. Which is something I don't ever do. Oh, and did I mention it was snowing? SNOWING.

I got dressed and went outside. The plan was to run around the park down the street, supposedly a mile, and see how I was feeling after that. I made it about 3/4 of the way before I had to stop and cough something up. I was wet, cold and my ears were aching so I decided that was enough for the day. Overall a failed attempt that made me even more grateful (on this day of thanksgiving) that we had foregone the 5k that morning.

So instead of getting any real exercise in I ate large quantities of food. Delicious, delicious food. Including three roles. Delicious, delicious rolls. (And by three I mean four.) I topped it all off with the richest chocolate pie I've ever had.

Even though I failed at running, at least I always have my eating skills to fall back on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to start running too. but it's always so hard. i have a friend who is a pro and she said she use to be like me when she'd run. i need to try more often.

and it's the holiday's who cares about how much you eat! you have one more holiday left and then back to the same old same old. :)