Monday, July 07, 2008

Sweet Little Lies

Sometimes when the end of they day rolls around and I still have a lot of work to do I think to myself I'll just go home now and do it tonight.  And then, when I finally get home, I look at my computer bag and my body tenses up with a feeling of dread and I think It's not due until 1pm tomorrow. I'll have time to do it in the morning.

Not true, my friends. There will not be enough time in the morning.

Don't let your mind trick you into thinking otherwise.

Update 10pm: Unless you lose your VPN connection and then have to go in very early to finish what you were going to stay up very late to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's why you had to go in super early? ugh...not worth it.

i do the SAME thing. always.