Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gonna Have Some Fun, Show You How It's Done...

Last night I went to the Bellevue Art Festival. I was exhausted from the week (I fell asleep so soundly on the bus again that I woke up one stop before I was supposed to get off) and asked Lindsay what people did at art festivals. I needed to know how much effort I was going to have to put into this. When she replied Walk around and look at stuff I figured I could handle it. 

We saw a lot of crazy people and crazy stuff that I can't imagine anyone ever buying but the best part for me was the Shish KaBerry booth. Fruit on a stick dipped in your choice of chocolate. Need I say more? I got strawberries and bananas in milk chocolate and it was as good as it sounds. 

We then found our way to a Red Robin and since I'm eating more lettuce than fries these days it was a treat. Our friend Breann informed us that the "ring sauce" is really fry sauce so I didn't have to make my own. She also informed us that hanging out with me usually involves a lot of singing. I didn't really believe her until I heard myself singing "Ov-er. Rat-ed." (you know that cheer?) and Lindsay had my back with the claps. Linds and I thought nothing of it and Breann gave us a Thank you for proving my point look. I have no idea how that cheer made it's way into our dinner conversation, but I no longer doubt her observation. 

The night ended with Wednesday AND Thursday's episodes of SYTYCD. Not a bad way to start the weekend.

1 comment:

Jill Clark said...

I am having a flash back to the Layton Chili's and an increasingly loud chant of "DIET COKE!" I know what she means, but I always liked it!