Sunday, July 27, 2008


  • I watch Denise Richards: It's Complicated. And I don't hate it.
  • I ate Wendy's a few weeks ago. And it was the most delicious burger I've ever had in my life.
  • I finally made it through The Host (Sorry, Em.) but couldn't really get into it. Apparently I draw the line with vampires.
  • Sometimes when we're watching SYTYCD Lindsay makes fun of Mary's outfits, while I secretly think that Mary borrowed some of Lindsay's jewelry. Ok, so I don't secretly think that, I openly do.
  • I watched an episode (or four) of Flipping Out yesterday and then set the TIVO to record all new episodes. He's crazy and I kind of like it.
  • It's Sunday and I'm going to a concert at the zoo. I mean, it's kind of like a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park...except there are hundreds of people picnicking with you. Oh, and there's a stage with people performing.


Kenn N said...

If Wendy's is the most delicious Burger in your life, you need to come visit us in Texas.

Anonymous said...

i watch denise richard's too!!!!! and find myself going to the oxygen channel watching Tori and Dean, tuesday's at 11pm.

stephanielynn said...

Kenn - I should come visit you guys in Texas, regardless of the burgers! But it was only so delicious because I've stopped eating them.

Amanda - I've only seen a few episodes of that but I should check it out!

Mark said...

I have a tivo season pass for Flipping Out too. But I have horrible taste in television - The Soup is basically my TV Guide.

NatAttack said...

HAHAHAH to the Mary vs. Lindsay comparison. I love it so much. Don't even know if it's true, but the mental image is hilarious.

Lindsay Jane said...

Hey...there is nothing wrong with wearing large fake jewelry!

Sarah said...

denise richards- it's complicated, yes, guilty.

except I watch it because I kind of like to hate it. she is ridiculous but when i pass it on the tv i just get hooked.