Friday, February 13, 2009

The Return of Chats McGee

That's right, Internet. Chats McGee and I rekindled our friendship today over IM.

Some of you may remember the sad, sad day when I announced that Chats and I would no longer be sitting across from each other, thus prohibiting me from having fun conversations to blog about. We honestly haven't talked much since that day and I was actually a little sad about it. Now the only thing I have to distract me is the woman across from me with the slinky. Sometimes (read: every day) when she's on a conference call she slinkys and I have to fight the urge to stand up and scream.

It starts out slow. Slink..........slink..........slink.
And gradually gets faster. Slink.....slink.....slink...slink...slink..slink.slink.
Until she's slinkying with all of her might. Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!Slink!
And then I poke my eyes out.

But back to Chats McGee. Today we were talking music and I discovered the music he likes isn't as meat headish as I thought it would be. He told me some artists he likes, I listened to them on Rhapsody, told him some artists I like and he listened to them on Rhapsody. A nice little exchange.

Of course I had him listen to Brandi Carlile and as he pulled her up on Rhapsody we had the following conversation (over IM):

S: My absolute favorite song by Brandi is Turpentine.
CM: She looks cute.
S: She's a lesbian.
CM: Figures.

Oh, Chats. I hate to admit it, but I've missed you.


Annie said...

oh chats mcgee...i missed reading about you.....

Sarah said...

i think you should show us a picture of him.

Anonymous said...

i think i suggested a photo way back when chats was here. and he's back! yeah! and what cute conversation y'all had on IM. oooooooooo!!!!!!! :)