Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Encouraging Words

So, maybe I'm going on vacation in 2.5 days and also moving while I'm out of the country (figure that one out) and things at work are insanely busy.

I'm a bit overwhelmed.

Sidenote: I think I had stress induced appendicitis this morning. Don't worry, I healed myself without even needing surgery. It was a Wednesday miracle! And, for being such an awesome healer and surviving a huge client presentation, I rewarded myself with a Diet Coke (which I had sworn off earlier in the day due to the nausea and sharp pains in my abdomen...AKA: appendicitis).

I am trying to use the power of positive thinking today. The sun in shining in Seattle in February so things have to work out, right? RIGHT?!

I was talking with a co-worker about all of our upcoming deadlines (But really mostly mine becuase it's all about me.) and the following conversation happened.

Me: I mean, it'll all get done somehow. Right?
CW: Nah. It won't. [He stands up to start walking out of the room.] Things will slip through the cracks.
Me: ...Oh, okay. Perfect.
CW: But let's just hope the stuff that slips through is all the trivial nonsense that no one cares about anyway. [And he's out the door.]

Moral of the Story: I need to learn how to use magic to get everything done in time.

No big deal. I'm already on it.

1 comment:

Sarah said... WILL all get done somehow. But more importantly, where are you going on vacation?? Jealous! (Even though I don't know where you're going yet.)