Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Conversation of the Day

I received a recommendation for an eye doctor from a co-worker and I made an appointment for this morning. This co-worker is a "she" and while that info isn't totally important, I like to think it enahnaces the story.

The following takes place between 10am and 11am. (Jack Bauer. Anyone? No? Ok.)

CW: How did your eye appointment go?
Me: It was good!
CW: Did you have the hot, young doctor?
Me: Hot doctor? I had the woman.
CW: I know…
Me: Oh…then yeah. I guess I did.


Jill Clark said...

Do you know how much I love reading your blog? I want to be more like you.

stephanielynn said...

You can start being more like me by moving to Seattle. Genius!