Saturday, February 06, 2010

Conversation of the Day

Imagine a full hour of conversations like this one.

Me: Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I told you that party tomorrow was a costume party?
SU: Maybe you should show up as a derby girl.
Me: Or if I told you to show up as a skanky bunny. If you showed up in bunny ears and fishnets I would pee my pants.
SU: Are you quoting Legally Blonde right now?
Me: I wasn't. But are you telling me that I didn't just make that up and I'm really stealing it from a memory of a movie?
SU: You for sure did not make it up. That really happened.
Me: Except it didn't, because movies aren't real life.

I walk away thinking, We're kind of funny.
You walk away thinking, I want to poke my eyes out.

1 comment:

The StaceNeedle said...

You live in your reality and I'll live in mine.

Nice post capsule of wit!