Saturday, January 24, 2009


A run-down of the day in highlights...

-Waking up to Missy Higgins' "Warm Whisper". (As I do every morning - it just doesn't get old.)
-Getting a window seat on the bus so I could sleep with ease.
-Mani/pedi's with co-workers in the afternoon. Champagne for them. Cider for me.
-Having a co-worker tell me, "I just can't imagine going through life...sober."
-Getting a ride home from work with Jen. (Even though it was 7pm)
-Prime parking.
-Lindsay and I receiving (what I will call) revelation about who Jen should date at exactly the same time.
-PF Changs.
-McDonald's hot fudge sundae. An added bonus of my very own MickyD's boyfriend.
-American Idol and the cross-eyed beauty.
-Finally crawling into bed.

1 comment:

Kenn N said...

yeah life as a sober person really gets in the way.