Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting Personal

My parents still live in the same house I grew up in so I've never had the pleasure of living in a house that's for sale...until now.  There's so much pressure to keep everything clean and organized and I'm not doing a very good job.  It's a little weird to think of strangers roaming through the place I live and, essentially, judging me.

Today I came home and found that someone had walked through the house.  There was a comment card left on the kitchen table with several very nice things written:

"Great home"
"Very clean and shows well"
"Great display of home"

And then the last comment...

"Would recommend painting pink bathroom!"

Rude. The only negative thing written on the card and it's referring to MY bathroom. 

I was inspired one day as I was walking through Target and saw a bundle of washcloths that looked so adorable - pink, white, tan and chocolate brown.  So I bought them and decided to re-decorate my bathroom using that color scheme.

Two of the walls were already beige, I bought a white shower curtain, bought chocolate brown towels and painted the walls pink.  I see nothing wrong with it.  (They're just lucky I didn't leave it the Pepto-Bismol pink it was for a few hours.)

Regardless, I feel personally attacked and I don't think I like it.


Anonymous said...

You have a neapolitan bathroom?

stephanielynn said...

Sure do!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE it. i have even thought that one day when brian and i have a house, to paint a fmaily room. pink. i saw it in a magazine and i thought it looked classy. the magazine had a painting on the wall with red and pink in it, and i thought it looked great.

there is nothing wrong with your bathroom. i love it. and that fool was probably some naps man who had no since of style what so ever.

stephanielynn said...

Thanks, Amanda. Lindsay is painting it back to green while I'm gone. I thought it was cute...

Anonymous said...

man! that sucks. she should leave it until the new owners want to paint it. will a pink bathroom wall change their minds on buying?