Friday, December 07, 2007


Today at lunch Lindsay, Stephanie and I went to a classy truck stop in West Valley called Maxie's. (Sidenote: Lindsay said she likes going there because she's usually the classiest person there. It's true.)

I thought to myself, "I want the grease!", so I got a grilled ham and cheese and the most delicious fries I've ever had.

It's now four hours later and my stomach is saying, "You can't handle the grease!". I have the worst stomach ache ever. Ok, maybe not the worst ever, but it hurts.

All the pain is worth the delicious fry/fry sauce combo.


Danny K. said...

Does your stomach also speak in a Jack Nicholson voice?

stephanielynn said...

It sounds exactly like Jack Nicholson. Weird, right?

Anonymous said...

I was there....the ham and cheese looked awesome! totally worth it!

Sarah said...

Steph! I didn't know you had a blog!! I found exciting. :)

Sarah said...

Hey- I'm linking you on my blog. FYI