Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Natalie tagged me a couple weeks ago and I'm finally forcing myself to do it. It's harder than you would think!

8 Things I'm Passionate About
1. Music
2. Finding what it is I'm supposed to do with my life
3. Pop culture/celebrity gossip
4. My cat, Max
5. Self-improvement. Working on the little things.
6. Blizzards - The peanut butter cup variety
7. Finding happiness
8. 2007 or 27

8 Things I want to do before I die
1. Travel the world
2. Learn to play an instrument well
3. Become a morning person
4. Learn photography
5. Get married
6. Learn to swim
7. Meet my potential
8. Live in a big city

8 Things I say often
1. "I'm just sayin'..."
2. "Seriously?"
3. "I heart ____"
4. "Let's be honest"
5. "I love it so much."
6. "Oopsy daisy."
7. "Did you watch ______ last night?"
8. "Too funny."

8 Books I've recently read
1. Eclipse
2. New Moon
3. Twilight
4. A Thousand Splendid Suns
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
6. The Reading Group
7. US Weekly (Every Saturday morning)
8. The Book of Mormon (Cheese-tastic, but true)

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over
1. "Everything" - Michael Buble
2. "Bicycle Tricycle" - Rosie Thomas
3. "Tune Out" - The Format
4. "Ok, It's Alright With Me" - Eric Hutchinson
5. "How to Save a Life" - The Fray
6. "Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey
7. "On My Mind" - Kalai
8. "Lost" - Michael Buble
*This was too hard! There are a lot to choose from.

8 Things that Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. Someone who loves to laugh
2. Someone who is intelligent
3. Someone who is a good listener
4. Someone who has a big heart
5. Someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously
6. Someone who is real
7. Someone who can be serious when the time comes
8. Someone who is loyal

8 things I've learned in the last year
1. Time does, in fact, heal all wounds. Or at least some you felt wouldn't ever heal.
2. I'm a better spender than a saver.
3. A swimsuit isn't necessarily of the devil.
4. Jim loves Pam.
5. I'm willing to suffer through a lot in order to avoid change.
6. I don't give myself enough credit sometimes.
7. I love to see new places.
8. My haircut made me look like a boy and no one bothered to tell me.

Well, there you have it.


NatAttack said...

In my head, I can perfectly imagine you saying each of those things. I can't BELIEVE I left "I love it so much" off my list. It's a very D-Mark thing to say.

You never looked like a boy, don't be ridiculous.

Carlee said...

Agreed - never looked like a boy. . . it's pretty hard to do with boobs, I think!
This is a perfect list. . .I loved it. . . SO much!

Lindsay Jane said...

Great list!

You did not look like a boy and how we I suppose to know what you looked like with longer hair when I have only known you with it short...seriously!

stephanielynn said...

Nat: I almost left it off of my list too! Lindsay reminded me of it.

Carlee: Some boys do have boobs. Think about it.

Linds: You could have suggested, "Maybe you should let your hair grow out...". Seriously.