Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Best Around

This weekend was kind of the best (around!). Karate Kid style.

Grab some snacks because you're about to get a serious play by play. But there are pictures!

I knew there were good things to come when I left work (albeit slightly late for a Friday) and walked down to Pike Place Market in the Seattle sunshine. Just me, my thoughts, the sounds of the city, random tidbits of conversation around me and, did I mention the sunshine? [I'm going to let you all in on a little secret, Seattle in the summer is a little slice of heaven. It's not officially summer yet, but I definitely got a sneak peak of what's in store for me. And it's real good.]

Post meeting up with my people at the market (and after being asked by a dreamboat and his two friends to join them at their table) we made our way to Golden Gardens. There was ice cream and sunsets to be had! We all know I can't get enough of the soft serve, so it was perfect.

We thought we had hit the jackpot when we realized one among us had a key to get into the marina, but the boat didn't quite work out for us. Instead we just wandered the dock and I kept any eye out for Dawson and Pacey. No really, it made me want to go home and watch Dawson's Creek. So what if I own all the seasons on DVD?

I wasn't prepared for the result of ice cream+disappearing sun+wind off the water, but I survived. And I got to enjoy this along the way. Beautiful.
We lost some and gained some in the group and ended the night with a little Robin Hood. And maybe a teeny tiny nap for me. Just a little guy.

Saturday started off right with run at Green Lake. Again with the sunshine! Along the way I spotted a BYU t-shirt on someone I didn't immediately recognize (as if I'm supposed to know everyone in the area that went to BYU) but quickly realized that it was Ruth! A friend from my home stake who I have known lives on the East Side for a year, but still had not met up with. You'll always run into someone you know at Green Lake. Always.

Then came the U District street fair. Lots and lots of people watching (which I love) a bad hot dog, delicious strawberry lemonade, palm reading for one in the group, homemade ice cream and saving the unicorns.

This man made my day.

The street fair was followed by a walk through the UW campus and a stop at Hogwarts. I loved this library! No Harry Potter sightings, but maybe next time.
Then there was a failed attempt at canoeing on Lake Washington. BUT (!) it wasn't a total failure since I got to sit on the water and just love life for a while. Sidenote: I love bridges.
Having filled up on some vitamin d for the day, I squeezed in a nap before eating steak that was cooked on a grill in my backyard. Anything cooked on a grill in your backyard will be awesome, but this was especially good. Not to mention my odds at dinner were kind of amazing with me, five dreamboats and one other girl.

Today consisted of brunch with friend that has recently returned from falling off the face of the earth (yay!), church, reading in the semi-sunshine and braving the masses at game night.
And I have been reminded of why I've taken a hiatus from reading. Books take over my life. Apparently moderation is not something I do well.

Kind of sounds like the best around, right? I thought so too.


Sarah said...

Sounds busy and so much fun! I can't believe you ran into Ruth!! Love her!

Kitty said...

Sounds like you enjoyed a great relaxing weekend! So glad to hear it :)

Annie said...

sounds delightful!!!

Kelsy said...

Unicorn guy was incredible, and I love that song. This is why I like you.