Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blackmail Waiting to Happen

You know your Friday afternoon is pretty much done for when an email goes out with a link to the company party photos. THIRTY FLICKR PAGES WORTH OF PHOTOS. These photos are just blackmail waiting to happen. And, oh boy, did I end up in more of them that I would have liked.

But remember how I had a surprisingly good time at this party? Here's the photographic evidence.

I'm pretty sure this was my favorite kitten.

If you look closely behind me you will find my entertainment for the night. The one that appears to be mid-high five at the moment this was taken. You know the quiet kid that rarely speaks (but you know is secretly hilarious)? Yeah, that's him. And he's not so quiet after a few drinks.

I danced the night away. Contrary to how it appears in this photo, I was not dancing alone.

 More photos posing with cutouts of kittens with laser eyes? Sure, why not?

There are some photos that are WAY better than these, but they're chuck-full of CW's and I don't feel like I should post them. But just know that they are good.

*I would give credit to the photographer here, but I have no clue who she was.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Loving those laser eyes! Also every time Brooklyn is near by when I'm looking at your blog Brooklyn runs over and points to the picture of Max and says "cat" about 20 times.