Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Importance of Getting the Whole Story

Today is Paper Football Day. In preparation for the festivities I did a little research on that web of information and found a site that not only gives step-by-step instructions on how to fold the footballs, but also provides the rules of the game.

This is what we call The Jackpot.

Over the course of perusing the info and IM’ing with Quiet-But-Hilarious about our game plan, I changed my gChat status to “Studying up on paper football rules”. Innocent enough and also true.

A bit later I received a message from JI that said: “In my little chat window, your message gets cut off and so it says ‘studying up on pap’….” I’ve edited her message slightly, but I think you can see where she was going.

Funny. And awkward. But mostly funny.

Now, I know I’ve reached a level of sharing with the internet that most people aren’t comfortable with (Like how today when I was walking to a stall in the restroom I passed by another stall where the woman was already SITTING DOWN as she was closing the door. I was caught completely off guard (because WHY?) and only saw her out of the corner of my eye, but it was enough to cause lasting emotional damage.) but I’d like to think I have some boundaries.

Then again, never say never.

And I bet when you read the first sentence of this post, and groaned to yourself because I was writing another post about a lame paper football game, you never imagined this is where we’d end up. You’re welcome.

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