Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wishful Thinking

A few of us are in charge of organizing a happy hour for my department this month. With the upcoming Superbowl (don’t ask me when it actually is because I couldn’t tell you…first weekend in February?) I decided to have a paper football tournament.

One problem: I have no idea how to make paper footballs.

But I do know that kids did it in high school. It was annoying then, but why not bring it back as an adult and get some alcohol involved?

When I volunteered to make the paper footballs, I threw in the caveat that I’d never done it before but that I was sure I could figure it out. (Insert me believing in myself here.)

That was when Quiet-But-Hilarious guy threw in his two cents:

“I don’t know how to make them either. If only there was a web of information – one that was worldwide – that could provide us with what we need.”

If only.

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