Monday, August 31, 2009

Send it Soaring

First of all, I got a bad haircut last week. When DON'T I get a bad haircut? The end.

Moving on the to real reason for this post: I have a new calling.

I successfully flew under the radar for over a year with the easiest calling in the world, but unfortunately those days are over and I am now also an FHE group leader.

Remember how I don't love FHE? I guess someone felt like I needed to start feeling the love.

I have a list of things I wanted to do this summer. (PS - Summer is pretty much over and I don't know if I've done any of them.) One of the items on the list was flying a kite but I couldn't convince anyone to do it with me. So I took this opportunity of being in charge of FHE to force my group to do it with me. Brilliant, no?

I was singing Let's go fly a kite! to myself all day, but it turns out you need a kite and wind to make it happen. Of which we had neither. Three stores, no kites. So I guess it didn't even matter that there was no wind.

All in all, kind of a huge failure.

But I'm determined to get myself, and possibly my group if I'm feeling ambitious, excited about Monday nights. We'll see how long this determination lasts.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

Congratulations on the new calling! I'm sure it will prove to be rewarding :) FYI I've never flown a kite either... maybe some day.