Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When You've Gotta Go, You've Gotta Go

I was waiting to catch the bus home from work when I noticed a homeless-looking man digging through the trash can. Honestly, not really surprising. I've seen it many times before in that very same location.

But I've never before seen what I saw next.

The man dug a cardboard milk carton out of the trash and began tearing open the top as he walked away. He proceeded to walk into a bus shelter, turn his back to the street and urinate in the carton. He then set it on the ground and walked away.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

Luckily the glass in the shelter was frosted, because his back may have been facing the street but it wasn't facing me. Yikes.


Sarah said...

Um, gross.

Anonymous said...

oh nasty! to tell you the truth, i thought you were going to say he pooped. so i am a little happy it wasn't. :)