Saturday, December 06, 2008

2008 Christmas Tree Debacle

The week-long Christmas tree saga all began on Sunday night when I hauled the decorations up from the garage. Lindsay and I started putting the tree together, maybe had to restring the lights three times after Linds got a little gung-ho on the bottom section and ended the night with a tree that looked like this.
Yes, it's leaning to the right. The stand broke and that tree ended up in the trash can.

*Note: This is where I lost the Christmas spirit and gave up the desire to have a tree this year.

Lindsay takes her Christmas decor very seriously and came home the Monday night with a new tree. By Tuesday it was back in the box. It didn't make the cut.
Wednesday included some online tree research done by Lindsay and another tree purchase. This tree was pre-lit, which you'd think would be a bonus. Unfortunately the lights were multi-colored and those doesn't fly around here so those lights were stripped off.

When I got home from work today I saw this.
The third time was the charm and I must say it does look charming.


Lindsay Jane said...

Stupid tree.

Anonymous said...

it does look nice. see...i like how full it looks. mine looks too skinny. and i almost said no tree too when at first i couldn't get the star on and the garland was giving me crap.

maybe in a few more years, we'll get a fuller tree. :)

Kitty said...

I think they say - "The third times the charm" or something like that. :) Your tree is beautiful!!

Kitty said...

That comment was pretty stupid since that's exactly what you blogged. A senior moment I guess.