Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Goose Is Getting Fat...Or Maybe I Am

I'm normally a little (or a lot) on the lazy side when I get home from work. I just don't feel like doing anything that would require me to leave my house. Let's be honest - I don't feel like doing anything that would require me to even get up from a sitting/laying down position.

Last night, however, I caught the Betty Crocker spirit. My house was like Santa's workshop...or maybe Mrs. Clause's kitchen.

Lindsay and Jared made cookies.
They taste as good as they look.
I actually had to go to the store to start my treat making extravaganza. THE STORE! I don't know why but I die inside a little every time I have to grocery shop. Even as a kid I opted to sit in the car while my Mom ran in to "grab some milk" (which meant shop for an hour and come back with a cart full of groceries). But I needed a key ingredient for these bad boys, so to the store I went.

They're a little naked here in Step 1.
While my little peanut butter friends were doing their thing, I moved on to the turtles. Yesterday a co-worker was describing a delicious treat her mom always makes and as it turns out they are a family classic for me as well! Must be a mid-west thing.

Chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanuts - you can't go wrong.
(Remember how I tried to make these two years ago and the store was completely out of butterscotch chips and I almost had a nervous breakdown? Good times.)
After the turtles I moved on to Step 2 with the peanut butter balls - dipping them in chocolate. Try and tell me you don't want to eat one right now.
I tried to take a bunch to work and push them on my co-workers but with the Seattle blizzard we had going on, there was hardly anyone there to eat them. Hence my consumption of 5 peanut butter balls, 2 turtles and 2 cookies today.

Hmm...maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


Mark said...

Those aren't Turtles, those are Buckeyes. I can understand why people in Michigan wouldn't call them by their real name though ;)

A turtle is a milk chocolate and caramel bar with pecans. Believe me, I know my candy.

Mark said...

Oops I thought you were calling the peanut butter balls Turtles. All those delicious-looking chocolates must have made me a little delirious.

stephanielynn said...

Mark - so quick to judge! I call the peanut butter balls Buckeyes too, but didn't think most people would know what I was talking about.

I should mail you some because I can't withstand the temptation!

Lindsay Jane said...

I like that the recipe book for the holiday treats took over the "Cooking Light" cook book. :)

stephanielynn said..., no. No cooking light going on here.

Breann said...

Way to go Steph! I am sad i missed out on partaking of your homemaking skills.

Anonymous said...

those look awesome!!

FYI- brian HATES the store too!! he hates shopping for groceries. even though he works there, eh avoids it at all cost.