Friday, October 03, 2008


  • Sometimes I measure what kind of day I'm having by the number of Diet Cokes I drink at work. I've had a lot of two Diet Coke days lately. (And that's a lot...I've changed my ways.)
  • I've been averaging 55 hour work weeks since July. I know there are plenty of people that work more than that on a regular basis, but I wasn't aware that I signed up to be be one of those people.
  • Wednesday night I worked until 2am and my alarm went off on Thursday morning at 5:20am. It was a rough day.
  • My trainer finally decided to step it up and I'm getting worked. While this is a good thing it also sucks at the same time.
  • To sum up...I've been stressed and I'm tired.
  • This morning I was standing on the bus stop listening to two of my bus stop regulars discuss the debate (and wanting to die because I struggle with politics) when I saw a car slow down and then stop in front of us. I quickly realized the car was there for me so I hopped in! I have two friends from church that live nearby and also happen to work across the street from me. They drove to work today instead of taking the bus and thought to check for me at my bus stop. It seriously made my morning!
  • Breann was also kind enough to give me a ride home. I was so happy because I wasn't feeling well and definitely did not feel like spending 30 minutes on the bus.
  • We're throwing a bridal shower at our house tomorrow but our house REALLY needed to be cleaned. I knew I was going to have to spend the night doing it and complained about it the whole way home (just ask Breann). When I got home I noticed the laundry room didn't smell like litter box and the carpet was vacuumed. When I got upstairs I noticed my bathroom rug was missing and the counter had been cleaned. When I finally made it to my bedroom I saw that the sheets had been taken off the bed. Lindsay had already cleaned the entire house including my bedroom and bathroom! It was the best thing someone could have done for me.
Life is challenging. Maybe my challenges may not seem important to most people, but they're important to me. I'm grateful to have moments like I did today that remind me that there are people out there that do care about me.


Annie said...

love you

Anonymous said...

that is nice!! what a nice roommate lindsay is. and how awesome!! i love those days.

i have cut back DC too!!! and two in one day is a lot for me as well! i always know i am stressed now when i have to have one more can. :)