Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday - Sunday.

This weekend was a rather busy one. On Friday I managed to escape work a little early and had about 90 minutes to spend curled up in my bed unwinding (yay!) before we had to head out to a show. We hit up a new little cafe in our neighborhood for dinner and then made our way down to SoDo in the rain to the Showbox.

We saw Duffy and she was alright. Fun to see her once, but I don't know that I'd buy tickets again.
Lindsay thought she looked like Kristen Chenoweth. I totally agreed but also thought she had a little Angelina Jolie mixed in. What do you think?

The rain got the better of us on the way in and this is what we looked like after the show. Hmm.
Oh and did I mention how awful the opening band was? We got there late so I only had to endure two songs, but that was two songs too many. Aside from wanting to be James Brown (I just kept thinking of Eddie Murphy - "It's hot in the hot tub!"), he managed to come out for an encore even though no one wanted him to.

For those of you who may want to use this trick in the future, here's how it went down.
1. He finished his high-pitch screams, said good night and walked off stage.
2. Some of the crowd gave the normal courtesy clap (I was not included in that group.)
3. His band stayed on the stage and kept playing. The crowd wasn't cheering but some were clapping because they were confused.
4. One of his saxophone players came to the mic and asked us to give it up for whatever his name was.
5. Some people gave half-hearted cheers (I was not included in that group.)
6. Then he came back out, without his jacket, and gave us some more high-pitch yelps.

So there you have it. Just don't let your band leave the stage and they can call you back out.

Saturday was filled with the doing the program for Sunday, the gym, cleaning, eyebrow waxing, pedicures, shopping for a club dress (I don't want to talk about it.) and dinner with Mark.

Mark is in town from San Francisco and we took him to Easy Street Records and a little Italian place in our neighborhood. Lots of fun and lots of laughs!
I realize this picture is super blurry, but would you believe me if I told you it was the best of all the attempts? Sadly, it is.

Today in RS I sat by a girl that is investigating the church (I didn't know it at the time) and she's super nice and normal (bonus!). I guess the lesson was about families...I don't really know...but people kept telling stories about their own families that were kind of interesting. A few times I caught myself saying "That's SO weird" under my breath after a comment, but apparently loud enough for my new friend to hear. Oops. She laughed, but I felt bad for not being positive about the comments made.

After the meeting was over and I said it was nice to meet her and I'd see her next week and she said, "Oh, and I appreciated your comments. I was thinking the same thing to myself and I like your honesty". Honesty. That's a good way to rationalize it. Either way, I don't think I hindered her investigation in any way.

Now I'm trying to gear myself up for another crazy week but am failing miserably. I only have two days to do five days of work since I'm headed for LA for a work summit (hence the club dress). BUT the good news is that I get to spend the weekend in Cali with my oldest friend, Brandi, and her new baby Cecelia!

Hopefully I don't have a breakdown before I can get there. It's likely.


Lindsay Jane said...

I love the picture of us with Mark because it is very telling. Lots of laughing, but all a little fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

When you compare it to the other Lindsay & Stephanie pictures, I look like one of those people in the background of live TV news shows trying to get on camera. I should have brought a sign or something. Also you guys were a lot of fun - thanks for letting me hang out with you!

Sarah said...

Oh, Steph, say HI to Brandi and her BABY for me. Why am I so out of the loop??