Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Under My Bed

Despite not having much extra time this week (I'm going on vacation in 2 days!), I went to another show tonight. Meiko was playing a little bar in Fremont and the tickets were only 10 bucks. Remember how that's practically free?

It was a good show. She's really funny - and also slightly awkward. Oh, and I really wish I could play the guitar well. I couldn't stop watching her hands.
I met her afterwards and said something really awkward about being nerdy for wanting a picture and asked about her re-releasing her album with a new song. I crack under pressure!
Note: Please excuse the nastiness of my noggin in this picture. I had gone to the gym before the show and had gym hair.

She played with three other guys, one of whom was Joe Purdy. I happen to have three of his CDs in my iTunes that my sister gave me, but I haven't really gotten too familiar with them. I like his style so I'll definitely be listening to them more.
PS - Yes, that's harmonica around his neck. Love it.

And have I mentioned that I heart music?

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