Saturday, August 16, 2008

Concert #2: Marymoor Park

As anticipated, I nearly melted again today. Although, this time it wasn't from too many bodies packed together in a small non-air conditioned space, it was from the actual sun. We got there around 4:00 when the first band came on and the sun didn't go down until 8:30-ish. Despite the sweatiest back I've ever had (not to mentioned the worse case of swass...yeah, I said it) we endured with smiles and I only said, "I think I'm going to die" a couple of times. Oh, and check out Lindsay's kick-a straw hat.
We were more prepared in many ways this time than we were for our last two outdoor concert experiences. See Exhibit A below. 
Exhibit A
1. We had little beach chairs. SO much better than just sitting on a blanket.
2. We had snacks. LJL did a good job picking and packing them up.
3. We had beverages - water and of course the DC.
4. We had Breaking Dawn. (I finished while waiting. I give it three stars.)
5. I had enough cash for a t-shirt. It's not pictured above, but it's pretty sweet. There may or may not be some sort of eagle-looking wings on it. Don't be jealous.

Patrick Monahan, the lead singer from Train, performed. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. On one song he wasn't playing an instrument so he got off of his stool for the first time. After the song was over he said, "And that was the point in the show where I stood up and you got to check out these bad ass jeans." I laughed pretty hard because I had, in fact, noticed his jeans and had commented aloud on them. His last song was a duet with Brandi, Pirate on the Run, from his solo album and it was delightful.
By the time Brandi came on stage the sun was setting and the temperature was perfect. At one point she brought out her 1 year old niece, who was the inspiration for her new song Caroline. It's not the best quality, but check out the video below from the show at the Tractor.

Unfortunately, we were kind of far away and didn't think to take any pictures until it was too dark. This is the best we got.
Another great show, but it didn't top Friday's concert. There's something to be said for being able to see the performer's face. Next up is Friday in Portland.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love lindsay's hat! :) and you need the DC.