Thursday, March 13, 2008


My life is exceptionally boring at the moment, but I've still managed to come up with several happenings to send out to my internet friends. Plus, it gives me an excuse to make a list.

  • I had an amazing Wii tennis comeback last night. I was down 0-40 and came back to win the game (and maybe even the match?). I was pretty impressed with myself.
  • I love when a song I've forgotten about comes up on shuffle. Today's song was "Gone to the Movies" by Semisonic. I know what you're thinking, but it really is good.
  • I left myself two messages on my work phone last night of things I wanted to remember when I got in today. On the first message I ended with "Ok, bye"...on a message to myself.
  • I had a dream last night that my company paid our bonuses in iPod Shuffles as if they were currency. I only got two. If you know how much Shuffles cost then you know why I was not happy.
  • I've been trying to only drink soda at lunch since this realization and I think the lack of caffeine is getting to me. I yawn all morning, every morning.
  • This article reaffirmed that I probably have poor time management skills (see #5). I don't think it's about doing what's easy or fun, but think it stems from my love of crossing things off of lists. If I do all of the fast things first I can cross several things off my list instead of working on ONE thing for days. I'm resolved to break this habit.
  • I have a love/hate relationship with daylight savings. I love that it's lighter longer. I hate that it's so dark when I wake up.
  • I just listened to Hakuna Matata on my iPod and didn't think anything of it until after the song was over.
  • I love American Idol more than ever before.
  • I still love Rob & Big. Since I've posted a lot of quotes of the day/week lately, I'll combine my R&B quote of the week with this post
    • R: "I only attract the DG. It's a gift and a curse. I'm DGL."
    • B: " DGL?"
    • R: "Dirty Girls for Life."

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love Rob & Big! I'm a little sad that Rob is DGL, but I still love him.