Thursday, January 04, 2007


Every year I trick myself into thinking that once Christmas is over, winter is over. When, in reality, winter is closer to beginning than ending. I grew up in Michigan. I'm used to snow. I like the cold. But after living in Utah for 6 years (where it will snow and melt in the same day), I forgot what a good old fashioned snow storm was like. I was reminded today. Snow. And lots of it.

On my way to the airport this afternoon I was being fairly cautious. Driving fast enough not to be the driver that everyone passes and thinks, "Learn how to drive in the snow. You live in Utah!". But slow enough to be able to stop safely. The Lincoln Continental behind me on the other hand....not so much.

The light turned yellow, I slowed down and stopped at the light. No slipping, no sliding. I looked into my rearview mirror just in time to see the car behind me turn sideways and slide directly at me. My heart started to race. There was nothing I could do to get out of the way--I was stopped at a light. Just as I was bracing myself for the impact, the car stopped. Too close of a call. I was nervous the rest of the way home.

Oh, and the snow ruined my hair. The white stuff was not my friend today.


Anonymous said...

I would have totally been freakin' good thing I wasn't in the car with you.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record? Your hair looked great yesterday! Also, beware of Lincoln Continentals. They look harmless, but they are really WMD's. Just ask President Bush. He's an expert.

stephanielynn said...

LOL...thanks, Erica! My grandma has a Lincoln Continental so I should've known it wasn't safe.