Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Make it Happen

I think I've just been letting life happen to me. Usually taking the path of least resistence and only putting in the effort to back-track when I'm wandering dangerously close to the edge. Often knowing the answer already but not being willing to admit it. Doing everything I can not to make any real decisions and not-so-patiently waiting for life to hand me everything I've always wanted.

While this strategy hasn't necessarily taken me to an undesirable place (I'd like to think my life doesn't suck THAT bad), I don't think it's the best tactic for getting "everything I've always wanted".

So, I've decided to take it upon myself to make it happen. Nothing too extreme (we are talking about ME here)--but baby steps.


Annie said...

I totally feel the same way sister! Tell me how things go.

Carlee said...

Steph. . . If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Go for it little grasshopper.

NatAttack said...

You know I fully support you! Let me know if you need a cheerleader...